Health Form
Required for every student.
Student Profile
Help us get to know your child. Required for new 2’s and 3’s only.
Volunteer Form
Ways you can help at school and make new friends!

Allergy Check List
Please use this check list to make sure you meet all the state requirements.
Emergency Medical Protocol
Please fill this out if your child has an allergy.
Authorization for the Administration of Medicine
Required if your child needs medicine to be administered at school including the Epi Pen. One form for each medicine.
Individual Child Care Plan
Required if your child has a special health care need that does not require medicine such as gluten intolerance.
The mission of Toddlertime’s educational program is to provide a foundation for success in life. With this goal in mind, we have been inspired by leaders of education, business, and health fields to create an educational program that not only prepares children for later success in school but also develops key skills which will serve children throughout life.
23 Park Street
(In the Congregational Church)
New Canaan, CT 06840
(203) 972-3111 Phone