The 2’s
Daily Schedule
9:00 | Arrival & Welcome (hang up jacket, wash hands, kiss goodbye) |
9:00 – 9:50 | Art Projects, Exploration & Sensory Table |
10:00 – 10:30 | Playground Play – (we always go outdoors, weather permitting!) |
10:30 – 11:00 | Wash Hands, Snack Time & Story |
11:00 – 11:30 | Clean Up/Small Group Activity |
11:30 – 12:00 | Songs & “Tickets” |
*T/TH classes end at 11:30am.
Field Trips
We believe that hands-on sensory and experiential learning engages the whole child. Children achieve a better understanding of their lessons by experiencing them through all their senses. We encourage children to feel, hear, see, smell and touch as well as read and write about their experiences. Beyond the classroom, children explore the local community and participate in enrichment programs brought to school to further discovery and learning. Our in town location is ideal for exploring the community!
In house field trips have included visits from: New Canaan Library, Fire/Medical/Police Professionals, Dentist, Bee Keepers, Service Dogs, Danny Magic, Bubble Shows, Author Visits, Old Faithful and others.
Field trips in our community include visits to Fire Station, Train Station, Apple Picking, New Canaan Nature Center, New Canaan Historical Society, New Canaan Library, Beaches, Bruce Museum, Stamford Arboretum, Stamford Nature Center, Wolf Conservation Center, Muscoot Farm and more
Our students also enjoy regular special classes which may vary from year to year. Specials may include music, movement, gym, yoga, Spanish and science.
The mission of Toddlertime’s educational program is to provide a foundation for success in life. With this goal in mind, we have been inspired by leaders of education, business, and health fields to create an educational program that not only prepares children for later success in school but also develops key skills which will serve children throughout life.
23 Park Street
(In the Congregational Church)
New Canaan, CT 06840
(203) 972-3111 Phone